Private lessons Shibari

Shibari Safety: At our core, safety is paramount. We teach you the essential safety principles to create a secure and nurturing environment for both the rope artist and those being tied.
Material Selection: Discover the ideal materials for Shibari, ensuring both comfort and security.
Basic Knots: Learn the foundational knots and techniques that form the backbone of Shibari. We guide you step-by-step to master these essentials with confidence and ease.
One Rope Techniques: Explore the refined art of the one rope technique, a method that enables deep connection using just a single rope. We explain how to apply this technique safely and thoughtfully.
Shibari Patterns: Immerse yourself in the art of tying, from simple knots to intricate patterns that create visual and physical connections. Above all, we emphasize the joy of play, the flow of creativity, and the pleasure of the experience.
Price : €90 first hour , then €30 per half hour
(excl. BTW - CASH or Mobile Banking)

Workshops on the go ?
Starting from 6 people
Surrender & Play / Cuddle workshop / Shibari Courses / Velvet Awakening

Surrender & Play
Discover your inner Dom / Sub
Intro toShibari

Cuddle workshop Hartstocht festival
Velvet Awakening
Woman's only workshop intro Tantra & Kink
Cuddle workshop
Learn about your boundaries
Intro to Tantra